Cultivarium at iGEM Jamboree 2024 

Cultivarium Team at iGEM Jamboree 2024

Cultivarium attended the iGEM Grand Jamboree for the second consecutive year, in Paris, France, Oct 23-26 2024. The team met with over 2,000 participants from around the world, engaging in discussions about how young scientists are leveraging synthetic biology to tackle global challenges.

“Attending the iGEM Jamboree was a fantastic experience—seeing so many innovative teams working on non-model microbes was inspiring,” said Stephanie Brumwell, PhD, Scientist at Cultivarium. “I loved connecting with these creative young researchers and look forward to seeing Cultivarium's resources empower even more groundbreaking work in this field!” 

At the Cultivarium booth, participants were invited to demo the latest Portal features, share lab lore, and test their gaming skills in a quick round of Microbe Mayhem. Cultivarium also presented a talk highlighting the open-source tools available to iGEMers passionate about non-model microbes. 

Lab lore shared by an iGEMer visiting the Cultivarium booth. Lab lore includes interesting observations, negative data, and tips & tricks for working with different organisms. 

Jamboree highlights also included the iGEM startup village, panel discussions, and fun costume sightings (including but not limited to: a ski-sized spoon, a banana hat, and one student dressed as corn). 

This year, Cultivarium sponsored 11 teams from 6 countries, with projects spanning a range of topics from oncology, fashion and cosmetics, to food and nutrition. Learn more about future iGEM sponsorship opportunities, and register your interest here

Congratulations  to all iGEM teams! From prize winners to special award recipients to medalists, you’ve all raised the bar in synthetic biology and inspired us with your achievements🏆. We’re excited to see where your journey takes you next!


Empowering Microbial Discovery: Your Guide to Genetic Tractability


Unlock the genetic potential of the biosphere with ATCC and Cultivarium!